A reminder about how the COVID-19 closure has affected our various programs:
Youth bouldering team: Your coach is available this summer! Classes will resume for the duration of the program when FBC re-opens.
Adult skills development program: Your coach is also available this summer! Classes will resume for the duration of the program when FBC re-opens.
Junior skills development program: We're donen for this season! You have a credit available for the number of weeks that were missed out on. Options to 1. do nothing in order to support FBC a little extra during this time; 2. request a credit on your (child's) account to be used toward anything at FBC at a later date (this helps support FBC by reducing the number of refunds during a period without revenue); 3. request a refund (via e-transfer)!*
After school camp: We're done for this year! You have a credit available for the number of pre-paid days that were missed out on. Options to 1. do nothing in order to support FBC a little extra during this time; 2. request a credit on your (child's) account to be used toward anything at FBC at a later date (this helps support FBC by reducing the number of refunds during a period without revenue); 3. request a refund (via e-transfer)!* If you had an outstanding balance at the time of the closure, please get in touch as soon as you're able to.
Summer day camp: Registrations are open! We are in good shape in NB as far as projections of re-opening goes, but in the case we are forced to cancel weeks of camp, your deposit will be refunded in full.
Parties and group bookings: You should have heard from us by now to discuss whether or not to cancel or postpone your event. If you've chosen to postpone until a later date, any previous deposits will be credited toward the new booking date.
League Night teams: TBA; any paid-up competitors will have their fees bumped up to when League Night properly commences.
* If we haven't yet heard from you, we have defaulted to providing you with a credit on your account. This can be changed by contacting us at jennie@fbcwall.com .